Welcome to the 2025 AFKA Hall of Fame Event

Dates: October TBD, 2025

Location: Grand Hotel, Lynchburg, VA

About the Event

OPEN TO ALL MARTIAL ARTISTS! No matter your style or experience level, this retreat is designed to help you grow, refine your skills, and train with some of the best in the industry

🚀 This is your chance to train, connect, and improve alongside martial artists from all backgrounds. Join us and take your skills to the next level! 💪👊

#AFKA #MartialArtsRetreat #Kaizen #KeepImproving #TrainWithTheBest #AllMartialArtistsWelcome

This Year’s Distinguished Awards Include:

1. Personalized Plaque with Your Photo – A bespoke plaque to immortalize your dedication and triumph.

2. The Ring – A prestigious emblem of your unwavering commitment and excellence in martial arts.

3. The Watch – A timeless symbol of your exceptional contribution to the AFKA community.

Nominate Your Students

Instructors, we encourage you to nominate your outstanding students for this year’s Hall of Fame Awards. There’s no charge for nominations, and each student will receive a beautifully embossed nomination, personally sent from you. Please provide the name and address of each student to ensure they receive their personalized nomination.

Send your nominations to:
📧 [email protected]

Stay Updated

Be sure to check your mailboxes for your personalized nomination invitations, and keep an eye on our social media for more updates as the event approaches.

We look forward to welcoming you to this prestigious event and celebrating the achievements of our martial arts community.

For more information, please contact us at:
📞 434-665-2497

#AFKAHallOfFame #KaizenWarrior #MartialArtsExcellence #BlackBeltTesting #InstructorTraining #CelebrateExcellence