Recognition and dedication to the development of the mind and body is the primary foundation upon which I have built American Freestyle Kaizen Association. Based on over 50 years of experience with tens of thousands of students, I have come to know the martial arts as an integral component in the positive shaping of lives. This spirit, when developed, can provide focus, concentration, elevated awareness, self esteem, and self confidence. Additional benefits can easily be seen, including better physical condition, graceful, coordinated movements, and a unique ability to respond quickly to potentially dangerous situations.
My goal is to help instill this dynamic ability in students and share with them the techniques of American Freestyle self defense. I have further broken down the mystic concepts, philosophies, and rigid pretenses of this age old arts form created by the Asian Masters. This breakdown is clearly rooted in the American principals of freedom.
The catalyst for success in the pursuit of excellence is to give your very best effort towards attaining a goal, to TRY HARD. Even when you fall short of a desired goal, you have achieved far more than if you did not try at all.
The spirit of American Freestyle Kaizen System becomes an indomitable force which allows you to handle the rigors of life and thwart the unwanted advances of an attacker. Many adults experience the confidence and determination to succeed in their chosen profession. Children are provided focus and concentration, which helps them excel with their scholastic endeavors. Children also develop the positive self image and self confidence to say no to those situations that will corrupt the morals learned at home.
In summary, American Freestyle is much more than a course in self defense. The foundation alone permits you to live a better more rewarding life. You will gain and develop knowledge, skills, and techniques which permit you to tap into the power each of us has been granted from the moment we draw our first breath.
I am looking forward to seeing you achieve your Black Belt,
Grand Master Lawrence Earl Arthur
10th Degree Black Belt Founder AFKA
Not unlike many other great masters and innovators of the art of karate, Grand Master Lawrence Arthur has conceptualized and painstakingly developed “The American Freestyle Kaizen System”. In 1976, after almost a decade of experience and dedicated devotion to the study of martial arts, Master Arthur originated “American Freestyle Karate”. Master Arthur’s formidable background in the martial arts included the study of Tae Kwon Do, Tang Soo Do, Karate, Kobudo, Judo, Aikido, Bando, American Boxing and Kickboxing . Taking the best techniques from each of these highly respected art forms, he incorporated them into a unique system which allowed for growth and improvement. This concept was very much different than that taught by traditional martial arts philosophies.
To further his skills and knowledge, Master Arthur began training in full contact karate and kickboxing. Through years of competition and painful experiences, he discovered techniques that were very effective and those which were totally ineffective.
Refinement and added techniques have proven over the years to be successful. This system has produced many world champion point, full contact and forms champions for years.
The Black Belt instructors and Masters of American Freestyle are dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in their art. Master Arthur’s training methods, motivation, philosophy of instruction, and inspiration have been instilled in his instructors. Master Arthur personally trains each of his Black Belt instructors and teaches them the importance of their task as martial arts instructors.
American Freestyle is like the world we live in. It will continually change in order to adapt itself to new environs, circumstances, technology, and situations. The system will remain on the cutting edge of martial arts instruction and from time to time will lead the way, as history marches on.
The definition of martial arts can vary with the times we live in, the place we live in, the purpose for which people study it, and personal opinion. In the broadest definition, the AFKA organization defines American Freestyle as, “Martial arts that trains people both physically and mentally to protect yourself from zero to a thousand yards.”
Modern society has forced a change in the way people use martial arts. Martial arts were originally designed as a form of self-defense for use in combat situations. The martial arts may have evolved from using fitness techniques designed for a program of physical activity. There are many stories that give credit to the beginning of martial arts to monks, generals, and many others. No one knows who really started the first martial art.
We do know that as their students developed advanced skills, others within their communities gave them more respect. Martial artists advanced in the ranks of society. Their skills in the martial arts and self-defense made them more important to their communities. Many martial artists carried a very high status due to their ability to train military personnel in the use of their techniques. The need for a well trained military still exists to this day.
People in today’s societies are protected by laws issued by governments for the protection of the individual and groups. In times of trouble we now rely on our military and police to insure our protection. The need for the combat methods used in the martial arts are not often required for our everyday safety. In fact, many people still consider martial arts techniques as too violent for personal protection.
American Freestyle Kaizen, in today’s society, is taught as defensive arts which develops skills in self-protection, physical agility, and mental awareness. The AFKA programs have evolved very much in the last decade. The Little Leaders program was developed to improve memorization, concentration, following directions, and obeying commands to preschool age children. Research has shown that these children can achieve better grades in school by participating in our programs.
American Freestyle is viewed by many as a goal setting or self improvement program. Participants develop mental strength while learning effective methods of combat. Each martial art has established its own self-concept and strengths. The combination of physical strength and mental training justifies the existence of martial arts in today’s society. This is the reason why the official AFKA definition of American Freestyle is, “a martial art that trains people physically and mentally.”